Dianes Hut

Ruahine Forest Park, Hawke's Bay

View hut on DOC website
Backcountry Hut, 6 Bunks
Heating, Mattresses, Toilets, Closed Fire, Wood Stove
Water Source
Water body near hut
NZ Topo 50:BK37 822 180
NZTM Grid Ref:E1882193 N5617953
Built in 1978 in memory of 21-year-old Diane Tresidder, who loved farming & hunting. Diane's family built it in memory of her. The summer of 2023 saw the hut extensively overhauled by five BCT volunteers, led by builder, Steve Wilman. The roof, skylights, flashings, internal linings, stainless steel bench, wood burner were replaced. Guttering, coat hooks, a bunk ladder, & a porch floor were added, & both the interior & exterior were painted. A woodshed was also built. Edit Hut
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MotherGoose - 23/12/2024
Great tidy ip from back country trust

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