Built in 1964 this was a collaboration between the NZFS, Canterbury Conservancy & NZDA, South Canterbury Branch. The former, led by field officer Lance Boyd, organised for all the material to be provided to the latter. Volunteers from the NZDA, led by Dare Midgley built the hut at Erewhon Station before it was flown-in by Ray Wilson (pilot for Helicopters NZ) where Alastair Midgley put it on site. Edit Hut
I came here from Murphys Biv via Easy Col. The descent from Easy Col is not that easy! I was caught off guard by a waterfall about 5 meters high halfway down. I managed to bypass it, but not without risk. I would suggest that people taking this route to climb to Pt1448 and descend the scree slope to the NE.