Built between April & July, 1976, it was built illegally, as the one person who should have known about it (& approved it), Phil McConnachie (NZFS Nelson / Marlborough Conservancy Building Inspector) was kept in the dark. Building was supervised & led by the NZFS carpenter, Tony Wallace, with material sourced second-hand or covertly, such as the exterior half-rounds purchased in a work order for 'fence maintenance'. It originally had a 4-ring gas stove, hot shower, & generator-driven electric lights for use by NZFS erosion-control & animal-control staff. Building was completed on Tue., 13 July, 1976, with the original 6-bunk Greigs Hut (from across the river), incorporated into the new hut. Edit Hut
The hut was possibly named after W. Greig? He was in charge of the planting of exotic pines during the 1960's on the critically eroding area above Greig's Creek which had been burnt off & grazed in the early days.