Built in 1957 by the NZFS, Nelson team with materials air-dropped by a Beaver plane. Autumn, 2015, saw Permolat members, Jason Campbell, Mayer Levy & Bruce Polkinghorn install two new twin-pane glass windows, realigned the stone/sand hearth, replace the inner iron fireplace surround, recondition the wood-box, paint the exterior, & clear scrub from around the hut. A major overhaul, led by Tim Marshall, was completed in early April, 2022, using Jobs For Nature funds. Tim & co. removed soil & vegetation from immediately beside the hut, installed drainage & repaired the open fireplace, including the hearth & chimney exterior. They re-roofed the hut, including replacing the rotten purlins, wrapping & flashings, built a new woodshed, rebuilt the front door & extensively cleared away vegetation. Edit Hut