Lilburne Hut

Lees Valley Station, Canterbury

Lilburne Hut, Lees Valley Station  by Charlie Ledbrook
Private Hut, 6 Bunks
Mattresses, Toilets, Open Fire
Water Source
Water body near hut
NZ Topo 50:BV22 305 305
NZTM Grid Ref:E1530468 N5230456
2 co-joined single men's huts which formerly belonged to the Crown. Built by NZFS but on pastoral land formerly owned by Kingsdown Station, now De Bourbles Station which is part of Lees Valley Station, which is owned by Grasslands-LLC. Permission to visit must be requested. The log book goes back to 13 Feb. 1970 & is an original NZFS book. The hut gets very few visits. Please note, this is not the Ashley/Lilburne Hut. Edit Hut
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David Rowley - 19/09/2023
Tried emailing leesvalleystation <at> to obtain permission. Auto-reply says to email admin <at> to ask. Rosie replied and said "I'm afraid we don't allow people access on our private land, only those on marked Trails such as the Tarn hut or up via the Townshend". She confirmed that's for foot travel. Should this hut be marked as private?
Charlie Ledbrook - 01/06/2017
I obtained permission from Lees Valley Station, email The log book goes back to 13th February 1970 and is an original NZFS book. it gets very few visits, the last entry in the book was December 2016

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