Honeycomb Hut

Kahurangi National Park, West Coast

Honeycomb  Hut, Kahurangi National Park  by Jayarn-Sheridan - January, 2024
Private Hut, 6 Bunks
Heating, Mattresses, Toilets, Closed Fire, Wood Stove
Water Source
Roof into tank
NZ Topo 50:BP22 323 469
NZTM Grid Ref:E1532253 N5446884
Was a DOC hut once? Now a Buller Caving Group Hut. This is now a restricted access area. Cameras in operations, fines for unauthorised access. Edit Hut
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Jayarn-Sheridan - 28/01/2024
Has been repainted since Glennj's Photos.
GailClark - 07/01/2016
According to DOC Karamea, 2 huts were provided by DOC for The Caving club who joined them together. Within a short time (few years) the hut was abandoned by the caving club and DOC took over maintenance again. As this area is a restricted access area, the hut is now locked and only used by DOC staff. The only access into this area is to go through the Karamea Information Centre - Cave Tour guide.

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