Built in 1957 by the NZFS's, Jock Fisher & co, with all the materials airdropped by Cessna aircraft with wing racks. Jock flew with the pilot to ensure the loads were dropped on the site he had chosen. It originally had an open fire & flat-iron roof. The NZFS added a toilet & woodshed in 1983, constructed from materials from the dismantled Lower Toaroha & Lower Kokatahi huts respectively. DOC overhauled the hut in Feb. 2015, rebuilding the back wall & replacing all the rotten framing. The tongue & groove floor was replaced with hardboard, the interior relined & new bunks built. Apart from the general dimensions & placing of the door, window & fireplace, the interior resembles very little of the original hut. The hut was also painted in Feb., 2015. Edit Hut