Tailings Hut

Oteake Conservation Park, Canterbury

View hut on DOC website
Standard Hut, 12 Bunks
Heating, Mattresses, Toilets, Closed Fire, Wood Stove
Water Source
Water body near hut
NZ Topo 50:CB16 820 294
NZTM Grid Ref:E1382038 N5029351
Tailings Creek Hut is base camp for mustering on Run 362B known as the Mt Ida Syndicate. In 1897, C. J. Inder signed a 21 year lease on behalf of a group of local farmers & the first hut, now the kitchen, was built in 1924, followed by 3 others in 1934. All building material was brought in on pack-mules & the huts had dirt floors. The musterers' cut snow grass to lie on & the old timers made hollows for their hips. A 3-day Spring drove saw the sheep pushed up onto the plateau above Tailings Creek Hut, via Buster Hut, with the reverse happening in April. There are numerous river crossings & steep rocky sections along the 4WD track. Edit Hut
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The original hut was built in 1924 with the two bunkhouses were brought in in 1977.

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