It was one of an unique batch of four a B48 designed huts built in Westland in 1957 by the NZFS. Wilkinson's was erected in the winter of 1957 by Ron Turner & Bill Radumski. The B48 preceded the SF81 design that later became standard. The materials for the hut were dropped in by fixed-wing aircraft & some of the framing was damaged on impact. Ron fashioned an adze from an old mattock & squared totara poles to replace the damaged bits. The NZFS later added a porch & replaced the flat iron roof with corrugated iron. During the summer of 2003/04, DOC repainted & resealed it, alongside some floor & chimney repairs. 2014 saw a split clearlite sheet replaced. April, 2024, saw DOC Hokitika renovate the hut, replacing some areas of flooring, the roof structure, roofing iron & mattresses. Edit Hut
As of March 2024, reeks of rat urine. They're living behind the lining of the hut. Don't leave wood piled inside the hut as they pee over that stuff as well.