Heating, Mattresses, Toilets, Open Fire, Closed Fire, Wood Stove
Water Source
Water body near hut
NZ Topo 50:CD12 826 557
NZTM Grid Ref:E1282575 N4955731
This important group of historic structures are all listed as historic buildings with Heritage New Zealand. They comprises an 1850's stone ruin, a pre WWI musterers’ hut (reputedly built around the 1910's), & a post WWII, 10-bunk hut, built at the station by William Hill (Kukaburra Bill), & towed out to the site by Barry Reed with his D6 bulldozer in the 1950's. The latter is in good condition & well used by recreational groups. One of the huts has an open fire, while the other has a wood stove. Station staff use the huts intermittently, now that the high country around Blue Lake is no longer grazed. Access permission required from the farm manager. Photo: djwrmp. Edit Hut