Cashs Flat Hut

Pastoral lease, Otago

Private Hut, 3 Bunks
Heating, Mattresses, Open Fire
Water Source
Water body near hut
NZ Topo 50:CB10 426 314
NZTM Grid Ref:E1242634 N5031431
A private hut (20m from the Whakaari Conservation Area boundary) on the southern boundary of Rees Valley Station but the hut is owned by Temple Peak Station. To most easily access the hut, permission is required (& often granted) from Temple Peak Station to cross a farm track to the 'DOC poled route'. This allows for sidling of the Ox Burn (aka Twelve Mile Creek) faces to the hut. Permission to visit the hut should also be obtained from Rees Valley Station. Edit Hut
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