Located on the TL in the Arahura valley on the Browning Pass bridle track. An NZFS report from 1981 states that the hut was built about 1908 for gold miners. It had low rock walls around the exterior up to window level. The roof was corrugated iron, & the interior framing was native timber. Trampers began using the Hut after the mining ceased & an article from 1921 named the hut as one of the shelters on the route. It was probably abandoned around 1963 when the NZFS built Harman Hut downriver. The Hut was still standing in the early 1970s, but derelict, with large holes in the corrugated iron roof. In 1973 the track was redirected from the original benchline down to the riverbed and the hut was no longer passed by trampers. By 2015 all that could be found at the hut site was rusted iron. Edit Hut