Scott's Hut (The Cabin)

Godley Head, Canterbury

Scott's Hut (The Cabin), Godley Head  by davetv
Shelter, 0 Bunks
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NZ Topo 50:BX24 839 743
NZTM Grid Ref:E1583871 N5174273
A 3m x 4m locked hut, not suitable for overnight accommodation. This prefabricated tongue-&-groove hut was one of four huts built by Boulton & Paul Ltd in Norwich, England, for Captain Robert Scott’s, 1910-1913 Antarctica expedition. This particular hut was to be used for meteorological observations & research at Granite Harbour. Unfortunately, meteorologist, Dr George Simpson was unable to make the expedition & no replacement was available, so the hut went unused. On return from Antarctica on the SS Terra Nova in 1912, the hut was taken over by Scott’s expedition agent, Sir Joseph (J.J) Kinsey. From Lyttelton it was railed to Heathcote & transported in sections by bullock wagon to Sumner. It was erected on Clifton Hill in the garden of Kinsey’s summer house “Te Hau Ote Atua”. Edit Hut
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