Waiotauru Hut

Tararua Forest Park, Wellington

View hut on DOC website
Standard Hut, 4 Bunks
Water Source
Water body near hut
NZ Topo 50:BP33 840 657
NZTM Grid Ref:E1783968 N5465712
The Waiotauru Hut was built in 2019 by the Akatarawa Recreational Access Committee (ARAC) to replace the derelict older Waiotauru Hut. It sits on the concrete foundation pad of the old hut. ARAC are a 4WD club who have a management agreement with DOC for "Odlins Road" from Akatarawa Saddle (called "Waiotauru Road" on topomaps) & Waiotauru Track. The hut has two tables, a wooden topped cooking bench, some chairs, a wood stove & there is insulation in the walls. There is no signage. As of December, 2021, there were two unlined foam mattresses. For background information about this hut refer to both: https://arac.org.nz/waiotauru-hut-update/ https://tarhc.org.nz/our-huts/waiotauru-hut/ Edit Hut
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IanBarber - 31/01/2024
Went early 2024, lots of slips has resulted in the track to the hut from Otaki Forks being in terrible condition. Times show it will take 3 to 4 hours, but was more like 5 to 6 at a moderate speed. Would not go if inexperienced or not good with step goat tracks.
Pumbaa - 04/10/2022
Hut relatively tidy. Bench and windows are filthy and need a big clean. Small amount of rubbish needs to be removed. Would have sorted myself but i ran to the hut with no way to carry out rubbish. No hut book, axe, mattresses, buckets or any cleaning products. There is a broom. Two major washouts between hut and maymourne junction so no vehicle access to hut. Hut just needs some love.

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